
Healthcare and the business community


1.During the course of the semester, we have identified numerous *Federal agencies. Choose a different federal agency that is not responsible for healthcare, identify its leader, and in one paragraph, briefly describe its mission. Using the William Paterson Library website electronically access a "reliable news source," that identifies a proposed rule or regulation that "your identified" agency has recently announced. In a 3-paragraph narrative:

1. Explain the proposal.

2. Identify its benefits and shortcomings.

3. Provide your opinion as to the proposal.

A. Healthcare and the Business Community:

Healthcare Law is clearly a very important to the business community. If you were the Benefits Manager for a Fortune 500 company what aspects of the healthcare law would you encourage your company and their lobbyists to support and which aspects of healthcare legislation would you want terminated? Please provide YOUR analysis in one or two well-crafted paragraphs.


During our semester, we studied nonprofit corporations and 501(c)(3) corporations.

a. What is a 501(c)(3) corporation?

b. What Federal Administrative agency is responsible for making 501 (c)(3) determinations?

c. Choose a 501(c)(3) corporation that interests you. In one paragraph, briefly describe this entity and its mission. Also indicate why you are interested in this entity.

d. Using the WPU Library website, find a newspaper article about your entity and the law. Attach a copy. Perhaps your entity has been sued, filed a lawsuit, filed an amicus curiae brief, etc. Read this article. Briefly summarize the article you chose.

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English: Healthcare and the business community
Reference No:- TGS01949465

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