
Health services managers

Discuss the following:

Course project- introduction


Health services managers use various "tools" every day to fulfill their roles and responsibilities in their organizations. It is important to understand what these tools are and how they are used by health services managers. This project introduces various tools used by health services managers, and also gives you the opportunity to develop "real," workable examples of your own for a set scenario. If in the future you accept a position working as a health services manager, you will then be equipped with the knowledge and skills to create and use managerial tools to effectively perform your role.

Goal of the Project

Prepare tools that a health services manager would use in a set scenario. You will be asked to expand the scenario and prepare the necessary tools for management.

You will present all of these tools to your manager (instructor) in the form of a portfolio. You should consider the comments that your instructor has provided when making revisions for you final submittal.

Time Line

In your position as the Clinic Manager, you are asked to prepare the following tools as part of your job duties:

Part I Mission, Vision, and Values

Part II Policy/Procedure

Part III Organization Chart

Part IV Tools for a Health Services Manager

For this part of the course project you create a summary as well as submit your portfolio.


For this course you will be asked to prepare a portfolio of tools for a Health Service Manager. The final portfolio must contain:

1.Mission, Vision, and Values

2. Policy/Procedure

3. Organization Chart

4. Summary

This will be built at various stages throughout the course (as noted on the time line). It is recommended that you conduct research for examples of the required tools (health care specific will be the most helpful). If you work in the health care field already, you might have examples at work that you can look at. Or, if you visit a health care facility, they may be willing to share some examples with you. Keep in mind that you cannot submit these examples as your project; you must create your own tools.
The tools you create will be based on the scenario below. You will need to be creative, as the scenario presented is purposely left to be very broad.

You are the Clinic Manager at ABC Clinic, a rural family practice clinic which is part of larger health network. The clinic is located in a community with a population of about 9,000 people. The facility uses outside services for some advanced diagnostic testing; routine tests are conducted on site.

Members of your staff include the following:

Clinic Manager (1)

Supervisors (3)

Receptionists (2)

Health Information Technician (1- RHIT)

Medical Coders (2- RHITs)

Laboratory Technicians (2)

Radiology Technicians (2)

Nurses (3- RNs and 3- LPNs)

The Clinic Manager reports to the Director of Clinics. The two Supervisors report to the Clinic Manager. The two receptionists, the Health Information Technician, and the two Medical Coders report to the first Supervisor. The Laboratory Technicians and Radiology Technicians report to the second Supervisor. The six Nurses report to the third Supervisor.
You also have four physicians on staff. Though there is no direct reporting relationship between you and the physicians, you do have a staff relationship with them.


You will be graded on the professionalism of your portfolio and tools. Make your tools as "real" and workable as possible. Each part of the project will include a short lecture about the tool or tools that you will be preparing that week. These notes and instructions must be taken into consideration as you prepare your tools. Points will also be deducted for errors in spelling and/or grammar.


It is a general statement of an organization's overall purpose and philosophy. The statement explains why the entity exists. It focuses on today; what the organization is now. The statement is the
Introduction to Healthcare Administration course


foundation for all other planning. It must not be changed often, but rather occasionally reassessed to ensure that it is still consistent with the organization.

The statement is usually only one or two sentences. It is easily understood and communicated. Employees should know be able to easily learn and know the mission of the organization.


This statement explains what the organization wants to become in the future. It focuses on tomorrow and presents a picture of the future that the organization hopes to achieve. The statement should not be abstract, but rather a concrete picture of a desire state.


These are deeply held beliefs within an organization. They explain how an organization expects its employees to behave. They should remain consistent over time.

Conduct research to view examples of missions, visions, and values for several health care organizations. Make note of how each of these is written and the types of things that are included.

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HR Management: Health services managers
Reference No:- TGS01758902

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