Discuss the following:
Garne, D., Watson, M., Chapman, S., & Byrne, F. (2005). Environmental tobacco smoke research published in the journal Indoor and Built Environmentand associations with the tobacco industry. Lancet, 365(9461), 804–9. Retrieved from https://www.lphi.org/LPHIadmin/uploads/Lancet-%20I+BE.pdf
Sclar, E. D., Garau, P., Carolini, G. (2005). The 21st century health challenge of slums and cities. Lancet, 365(9462), 901–3;
locate at:
Based on your review of the two studies,write a checklist to analyze the quality of research studies.
a. Your checklist must not have more than 20 items. Avoid repetition.
b. Explain how each item on the checklist helps evaluate a study.
c. The checklist should be clearly worded. A person using it should not have to ask for an explanation of any item.