health cares in rural areas should be well

Health cares in rural areas should be well equipped with machineries such as x-rays and CT in order to be able to meet the patient's expectations. At the same time, there should be professional's health care providers who will be able to use all the machines and also deliver quality services to the patients. Health cares should also have basic health care systems, ways of managing pains and transportation services in order to ensure that patients are able to access these health cares. There should also be enough drugs to cure chronic pains and other diseases at an affordable price. This will be achieved through private and public centers contributions in funding the health facilities in rural areas and remote Australia (Gulliford 2003).

Awareness campaigns on the causes and prevention of diseases should be conducted in order to enlighten the community. This can be done by conducting workshops, seminars and conferences. In these seminars, locals should be taught on the importance of education on improving health of a community. This will assist in reducing the level of illiteracy in these areas as many locals will end up going to school.

Government in Australia should come up with policies for creating jobs for the locals. This will help in alleviating poverty hence making them to afford health care services. This will reduce mortality rate in these areas. Children will go to school when their parents are working. This is because education is very important in determining one's future. This is because it increases chances of better income and job security. It also provides a sense of control of people lives. Education is a key factor that influences rural people and remote Australia occupants' health (Glanz 2002).

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