
Health-care settings include which of the following

1. Which of the following is most likely considered a competent patient?

  A 63-year-old patient diagnosed with dementia

A 43-year-old patient diagnosed with dementia

A 36-year-old female patient abused by her spouse

A 15-year-old patient who is anemic

Question 2. The general rule regarding competency states that a person is presumed to be competent unless there is a valid reason to believe otherwise. Which of the following patients might not be competent? 
A wheelchair patient who lives in a nursing home because of her inability to walk more than a few feet

An adult male patient with a history of clinical depression

A 55-year-old adult male patient who lives independently but has a court-appointed guardian

A 21-year-old female cancer patient

Question 3. Consent is being sought for a patient to undergo chemotherapy. Which of the following would not be considered a surrogate decision maker in the event that the patient is unable to consent? 
The parent of a 2-year-old child receiving chemotherapy

The neighbor of an elderly adult receiving chemotherapy, if the adult patient has no family in the geographic area

The adult son of a patient

A court-appointed guardian of the patient

Question 4. The patient that expresses his or her wishes in writing with regard to medical treatment offers the following: 
Advance directive

Living will

Either a or b

Neither a or b

Question 5. Which of the following would be classified as a special circumstance with regard to consent? 
A patient with a rare disease requiring surgery

A patient in a mental health facility

A minor patient

A patient over the age of 65

Question 6. A patient comes to a medical office and demands that she be given her medical record. Which of these statements is false in this situation? 
The patient is allowed to take her personal medical record.

The patient is not allowed to take her medical record because the physical record belongs to the physician or health-care facility.

The patient is the owner of the information in the record.

The patient is not the owner of the physical record.

Question 7. The primary purpose of a medical record is to: 
Prevent liability lawsuits

Provide a format for health-care professionals to communicate with one another

Serve as a reference for previous care the patient has received

Plan for future care

Question 8. Sue is a nurse providing care for patient. In which of the following situations is she not using the medical record according to the purposes of documentation? 
Sue uses the information in the record to write a care plan.

Sue checks the record to determine whether the patient refused her last medication.

Sue looks at the record to confirm the spelling of a drug, which another patient is also taking, so that she can document it in the second patient's chart.

Sue documents an instance during which the patient refuses to take her medication.

Question 9. Which of the following identifies a patient's strength? 
The ability to walk to the restroom alone

The ability to wash her face but not her legs and arms

The ability to communicate but limited to written responses

The ability to walk but only to the restroom

Question 10. All of the following are components of the medical record except: 
Progress notes

Plan of care

Flow sheets

All of the above

Question 11. The argument over whether abortion is an option for women facing difficult pregnancies is a(n): 
Moral dilemma

Cultural issue

Ethical issue

Bioethical issue

Question 12.  Andrea knows that her employer has filed false insurance claims because he has asked her to add charges for procedures not performed on patients. If she discusses the matter confidentially with a fellow health-care provider whom she trusts and asks for advice, which approach to a bioethical dilemma is she using? 




Question 13. Andrea has been told by no fewer than three patients that they have received notice from their insurance companies. These notices stated that claims were filed from the office for service dates on which the patients are sure they did not visit the physician. Andrea is concerned and decides to investigate the patient charts. Which approach to a bioethical dilemma is she using? 




Question 14. A health-care professional has been asked to enter a notation in a patient's chart that is not factual. If the professional feels that she cannot discuss the situation with anyone, what approach to a bioethical dilemma can she take? 




Question 15. Patients have a right to make decisions regarding their health care. This is reflected in the principle of respect for: 




Question 16. Which of the following nursing assistants might be exposing him- or herself to liability? 
One who feeds a patient according to physician orders

One who sees that a wheelchair is malfunctioning and reports it

One who does not check on a patient who is in observation

One who positions a patient according to the patient's tolerance and physician's orders

Question 17. Which of the following medical assistants might be exposing him- or herself to liability? 
One who assists a very ill patient in getting dressed even though the patient protests

One who documents that the patient left the office angry

One who checks on a patient every 10 minutes while the patient is being observed

One who answers the patient's question about chances for recovery

Question 18. Health-care settings include which of the following places? 
Nursing homes


Rehabilitation centers

All of the above

Question 19. The role of the allied health professional as explained in this chapter is which of the following? 
To properly provide services that are ordered

To see that services provided are documented

To practice safely and properly

All of the above

Question 20. Which of the following allied health professionals is not performing a direct patient service? 
A medical assistant helping a physician as he removes sutures

A nursing assistant taking vital signs

A physical therapy assistant performing a physical therapy procedure

A respiratory therapist drawing a sample of blood for blood gases

Question 21.Which of the following is not an advantage of alternative dispute resolution? 
It is less expensive.

It involves less publicity.

No attorneys are allowed.

There are no long court delays.

Question 22. Which of the following is a way to resolve conflicts using alternative dispute resolution? 



All of the above

Question 23.When people bargain for what they want, which resolution method are they using? 




Question 24.The process by which a neutral third party facilitates dispute resolution is called: 




Question 25. If a physician and patient need a controlled, structured setting, they may wish to try which of the following? 




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