
Health care policy issues and trends and affordable

Book Review - Critical Thinking through Writing Designation:

Write a 5 page review on either of these two books.

1) Health Care Policy: Issues and Trends, Volume 759 by Jennie Kronenfeld

2) Affordable Excellence: The Singapore Healthcare Story How to Create and Manage Sustainable Healthcare Systems William A. Haseltine

The review must be a minimum of 5 full pages (using one-inch margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font, no more than three header lines on the first page) and a maximum of 7. Your review can be organized however you want, but should include the following components: the introduction, summary of the book, discussion of aspects of the book you liked and disliked (based on sound economic reasoning), conclusion, and references. You must incorporate economic concepts and provide a detailed, thoughtful analysis of the book, not simply a summary.

The best reviews will critically evaluate the book through the eyes of a health economist, using the concepts learned in this and other economics courses. Be sure to thoroughly cite your sources; I will run all reviews through plagiarism-checking software.

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Microeconomics: Health care policy issues and trends and affordable
Reference No:- TGS01006919

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