
Health care accounting and billing


1. Health Care Accounting and Billing

(A) Briefly discuss your reaction to the numerous financial terms and the complexity of reporting required in health care. What would your level of comfort be in a discussion with a CFO regarding the key measurements used by organizations to track financial performance?

Word Count: 150 with reference

(B) Describe your thoughts on protecting investors and contributors from losing trust in how the organization manages the investment they have made. Do you think the abuse that occurred at Enron could happen in health care? Do you think legislation such as Sarbanes-Oxley should apply to health care? Why?

Word Count: 150 with reference

2. Health Care Policy and Economic Analysis

(A) View the video How a Bill Becomes a Federal Law:


And the Iron Triangle of Health Care multimedia presentation:


Summarize the legislative process and describe the relationship between cost, quality and access depicted by the Iron Triangle.

Word Count: 150 with reference

(B) View the video One's Schools Fight: The Making of a Law from the following link:


Describe how the school was able to get a bill passed in congress in order to solve its funding problems. How might this process be applied to solve a problem in health care?

Word Count: 150 with reference

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Other Subject: Health care accounting and billing
Reference No:- TGS02016396

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