
Health care-a caribbean village by marsha quinlan

You will write a final paper that will be worth 50 percent of your grade. The paper will be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length. There are no required number of references, but you must give appropriate credit for ideas and words that are not your own. (You should be aware of WSU plagiarism policy by now, but if not, you can follow the link under Academic Integrity below.) The final paper will be due in the last week of the course on the date listed in the Course Schedule. If you submit your paper to me anytime before that date, then I will review it and return it to you with a grade by then. You may then revise and resubmit the paper for a higher grade or accept the grade assigned.

The paper is based on your reading of one ethnography. You may choose any ethnography from this list:

A house of my own: social organization in the squatter settlements of Lima, Peru by Susan Lobo (making a living in urban Peru)

Families of the forest by Alan Johnson (lifestyle of the Matsigenka Amazonian Natives) fulltext online:


From the Bush: the frontline of health care a Caribbean village by Marsha Quinlan (traditional medicine and health care in a rural Caribbean village)

Yanomamo: Last days of Eden by Napolean Chagnon (Encroachment of civilization  on the Yanomamo Amazonian Natives)

From Mukogodo to Maasai : ethnicity and cultural change in Kenya by Lee Cronk (culture change among rural East African foragers)

The mountain people by Colin Turnbull (a failed development program in rural East Africa)

Weekend warriors: alcohol in a Micronesian culture by Mac Marshall (drunkenness on the island of Truk in Micronesia)

Some of these may be available in your local library. Families of the Forest is available for free online. All of them are available through the WSU library. Most of them could be purchased through amazon.com.

The paper will have three parts: (1) An overview of the culture group described in the ethnography (NOT a book review); (2) A needs  and resource  assessment based on the ethnographic description; and (3) a proposed development project that meets one or more of the needs described. We can discuss the progress of your paper at anytime in this course in the online discussion board. Remember the course is self-paced, and you may be ready to begin your paper within five or six weeks from the start of the course.

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