Response #1
Health can be defined as the presence or absence of disease. This means the state of bodily functions at any given time or place. Wellness, however, is a much broader topic and refers to the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physiologic state of the person and their relationship to his or her environment.
Soft Touch Spinal Care. 2007. Health vs wellness
Response #2
Health and wellness are sometimes used interchangeably, but in fact there is a difference between the two terms. Health is considered "the presence or absence of disease", such as the physical well-being of our body at any given point in time. Wellness, on the other hand, refers to "the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physiologic state of the individual and his relationship to his/her environment".
Based on what you know about plagiarism and our course policies:
- Does either Response #1 or Response #2 constitute plagiarism? Explain your answer.
- How would you grade Response #1 and Response #2? Explain your answer.
- Find another source (e.g., your book) that addresses health and wellness and summarize in your own words the difference between health and wellness.
- Relate this understanding to your own life and your approach to your overall health
You will need to provide a proper citation for all of your sources, including author, date and title. This might involve a little work, but all of that information is available. If you are unable to find the author, list the author as anonymous. And you will need to cite any OTHER sources you used. Please use the Reference Format file to determine how to properly cite your sources.