
Health and safety professional

Question 1: In order to raise motivation throughout an organization, list four tasks that senior Management or Directors could instigate.

Question 2: Explain the steps that must be taken when seeking a competent external Health & Safety professional to give advice or assistance to an organization.

Question 3:

a) Outline the advantages of Health & Safety monitoring.

b) Give two examples of:

• Active monitoring
• Reactive monitoring

Question 4:

a) Describe the factors that a board of directors require to be aware of when agreeing a Health and Safety Policy and outline what must be set out in the policy.

b) Describe why it is significant for Health and Safety to appear regularly on the agenda for board meetings.

c) The presence on the board of a Health and Safety Director can be a strong signal that the issue is being taken seriously and that strategic significance is understood. Describe what is meant by the word strategic importance in this case.

Question 5:

a) Describe why it is necessary that senior managers and company directors commit to the accomplishment of excellent standards of health and safety, lead by illustration and maintain a uniform approach all through the company’s operations.

b) Identify measures which could be undertaken in order to secure commitment at Board or Senior Executive level regarding the Health & Safety Culture and give examples of the way in which consistency can be accomplished by all policy makers in the company.

Question 6: Outline the actions that might be needed in Health & Safety terms following the change in specific legislation.

Question 7: The board must review health and safety at least once a year. Explain the core actions that the review process must comprise.

Question 8: Outline two examples where an offence would be committed by a Director.

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Other Subject: Health and safety professional
Reference No:- TGS04741

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