
He also murdered his mother and shot himself once again we

Question: A bipartisan coalition labeled "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" released a 2010 study finding that 43,000 of the guns confiscated at crimes scenes in 2009 came from out-of-state gun dealers. Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Alaska were among the largest gun exporters. States with strong restrictions export guns at only about one seventh the rate of those with lax rules. About 12,000 Americans annually are murdered by guns.100 Commenting in The New York Times, columnist Nicholas Kristof said:

To protect the public, we regulate cars and toys, medicines and mutual funds. So, simply as a public health matter, shouldn't we take steps to reduce the toll from our domestic arms industry?101

Adam Lanza, 20, fatally shot 20 children and 6 school personnel at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012. He also murdered his mother and shot himself. Once again we ask ourselves what can be done to reduce gun violence. Do you think firmer gun regulations are needed? Explain.

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Business Law and Ethics: He also murdered his mother and shot himself once again we
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