
Hcs497 health education capstone - evaluate a health

Health Education Capstone

This assignment contains 8 items and the instruction must be followed accordingly.

For your Final Project you will use your weekly assignments to design a health education campaign that targets both a current health challenge and a specific population (e.g., children, adolescents, older adults, ethnic-racial minorities).

Choose a setting for where you will promote and set-up the health education campaign and provide details about what needs to take place, from start to finish, for the program to take shape and prove to be a success.

You will propose this campaign using a presentation format that encompasses both audio and visual components. Your project must contain the following:

I.Evaluate a health challenge of concern. (From your Week Two "Needs Assessment" assignment)

A.What are the statistics and trends of this health concern?

B.What are the challenges (sociological, behavioral, cultural etc.) in addressing this health challenge?

C.Who is affected?

D.Why is this health challenge concerning to you?

II.Analyze your target population. (From your Week Two "Needs Assessment" assignment)

A.Is this population currently affected by the health concern?

B.What are reasons behind this population being affected or vulnerable to this health concern?

C.What are the statistics and trends for this target population regarding this health concern?

D.Describe the cultural factors, health literacy levels, and other considerations regarding this population.

E.What strategies will you employ to ensure that these considerations are being addressed?

III.Apply a planning model and theory. (From your Week One "Planning a Health Education Program" assignment)

A.Choose or create a health promotion (planning) model that will be applied to the target population.

B.Describe the theory behind the model.

C.Explain the appropriateness of this model in providing effective health education to the target population.

IV.Devise a health education campaign and select a setting (From your Week Three "Designing and Developing a Health Education Program" assignment)

A.Create a health education campaign based on the selected theory and health promotion model.

1.Explain its planning, activities, goals and other important information.

2.Summarize the health information and messages that will be provided to the target population.

3.Evaluate the mode of delivery of this information.

4.How will you determine if the target population is receiving the information?

5.How will you determine if the target population understands the information?

6.How will you determine if the target population uses the information to change their behaviors?

B.Choose a setting to promote this campaign

1.How does this setting relate to your target population?

2.Evaluate the pros and cons of this setting.

V.Implement the campaign

A.What do you need to know about your target population?

B.What do you need to start this campaign?

C.Who else is affected? Who are the stakeholders? Would anyone be against this campaign?

D.How do you maintain momentum or "buy in" while implementing this campaign?

VI.Evaluate the campaign (From your Week Four "Evaluating Health Education Programs" assignment)

A.How will you know if the campaign is achieving what it was set out to do?

B.What information do you need to collect? When and how will you collect it?

C.How will you use the information from the evaluation?

VII.Summary of the health education campaign

A.Provide a clear summary paragraph of your entire campaign.

B.Your summary must address the overall importance and functionality of your selected health initiative.

VIII.Present the campaign proposal

A.Envision that you are selling this campaign idea to possible investors.

B.Include both visual and audio components.

1.You may use various resources (PowerPoint with voice over, a video of yourself presenting, or slidesix.com).

2.Use appropriate videos and images that convey the intent of the presentation.

C.Provide an overview of each section described above.

1.Justify the need for assistance related to the selected health challenge and target population

2.Present the campaign goals and objectives.

3.Summarize the campaign design.

4.How will the campaign directly addresses the needs and meet the goals and objectives?

5.Explain the major components of implementation.

6.Estimate anticipated barriers and complications of implementing the campaign.

7.Construct possible solutions to the anticipated barriers.

8.Predict the outcomes of the campaign.

9.Illustrate the evaluation method.

10.Project the future application of the information learned from the campaign.

For item VIII Provide me with the information and slides and I'll make the power point presentation Creating the Final Project

The Final Project Paper:

1.Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

2.Must include a title page with the following:

a.Title of paper b.Student's name c.Course name and number d.Instructor's name e.Date submitted

3.Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

4.Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

5.Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

6.Must use at least five scholarly sources, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

7.Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

The Final Project Presentation:

1.Must be at least twenty-minutes in length.

2.Must include both audio and visual components.

3.Must coincide with the written paper.

4.Must be presented in a professional manner.

a.Use appropriate diction and avoid slang terms and phrases

b.Dress professionally if appearing on video

5.Must be organized and easy to follow

a.If presenting slides, feature no more than six points per slide with six or fewer words per point

b.Use visuals (pictures or videos) that provide support and illustrate your message

c.Speak clearly and at a moderate rate

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