
Hcs412 - health promotion planning evaluation analyze the

Health Promotion Planning & Evaluation

Developing a Worksite Wellness Program Plan Imagine that you have recently been hired as the health promotion specialist by a large company to coordinate their worksite wellness program.

You are the first health promotion specialist ever hired by this company in this capacity. This position was created by the president of the company because she recently read an article in a magazine that said worksite wellness programs can boost profits. The company is doing well overall financially, but the president has concerns that worker absenteeism, health insurance costs, and employee morale are affecting profits. She thinks a company wellness program can help address these issues.

Your supervisor is the director of Human Resources. He does not have a background in health promotion and education or worksite wellness and is relying on you to create their program from the ground up.

Your supervisor has asked you to create a full program plan proposal to submit to the board of directors for approval and give a three to five minute presentation to the board regarding your plan. You have been given a $50,000 provisional budget to use to create your program. You should utilize the content from your weeks 2 and 3 discussions related to the same scenario to help you prepare your plan. Your final submission should be an actual plan that you would submit to a board of directors for consideration and a video (via YouTube or a screencast) presentation to the board

. To begin, you should select a company for which you are fictitiously working as the basis for your plan. This can be an imagined or real company. Your plan should include a brief description of the company, the employees, and how your work as the health promotion specialist is integrated into the company. (Remember to cite your sources correctly if you utilize information from an actual company.)

You have been provided (fictitious) needs assessment Preview the document data regarding the company employees, and you should use it as the basis for the plan you will create.

Your plan should include an analysis of how the data supports your proposed program components. Please write your assignment as a program plan that you would actually submit to the board (id. Not as a formal academic paper. Your program plan should include the program mission statement, at least three program goals, at least two objectives related to each goal (so at least six objectives total), and at least one intervention/strategy/activity related to each objective.

For each goal, objective, and intervention/strategy/activity, provide a brief rationale for why you included this in the plan. Your plan must also include appropriate evaluation strategies. For each objective and intervention/strategy/activity, you should include at least two evaluation components (so at least 12 evaluation components total). Explain each evaluation component and how the data for each component will be collected. Lastly, include a budget (one page listing all expenditures) and a budget rationale that explains each budget line item. The budget should explicitly describe how you will spend the money. Your total budget may not exceed $50,000.

Your final written plan should:


Describe the company and its employees

Analyze the results from employee health needs assessment

Apply the employee health needs assessment results to the plan

Explain the role of the employee wellness program

Create a wellness program mission statement

Develop and justify employee wellness program goals (x3)

Develop and justify employee wellness program objectives (x2 per goal)

Develop and explain employee wellness program objective-level evaluation components (x2 per objective)

Develop and justify program initiative/strategy/ activity (at least one per objective)

Develop and explain initiative/strategy/ activity-level evaluation components (x2 per initiative/strategy/ activity)

Create a program budget

Justify the budget with a budget rationale


Then, using the written plan you created as a basis, create a three to five minute video or screencast* of you presenting the plan to the board of directors for approval. Create your presentation exactly as you would if you were doing it "live" in front of the board of directors of the company. Include a link to your video or screencast in your final submission.

The presentation should: .Describe your job as health promotion specialist and what your role in the company is

Explain the needs assessment you conducted and what the results indicated (from provided results)

Summarize the key points of your plan (Just provide me with the information as instructed above for the video, and I'll will make the Video The Worksite Wellness Program Plan and Video Presentation

The written plan should be approximately nine pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted in a style that would appeal to the target audience.

Utilize APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center as appropriate.

The written plan must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper ?Student's name ?Course name and number ?Instructor's name ?Date submitted .The written plan must use at least five scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

The written plan must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

The written plan must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

The video presentation must be three to five minutes in length. Provide me with the info and I'll make the video

Text:McKenzie, J. F., Neiger, B. L., & Thackeray, R. (2012). Planning, implementing, & evaluating health promotion programs: A primer (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings.

Attachment:- Company Employee Needs Assessment Results Report.rar

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