
Hcs316 the american indian and alaskan native receive

Cultural Diversity in Health & Illness

Discussion 1 Britney Native American Populations There is a belief amongst many American Indian with traditional orientations that for every sickness or pain, there is a reason associated with it. There are many contributing factors to the health of the American Indian and Alaskan Natives population, which include poor education and poverty. Nearly one-third of people are living in poverty. Because of this, many are suffering from malnutrition, TB, and skyrocketing death mortality rates amongst infants and the maternal. A disease will affect an American Indian individual differently than a white person.

A traditional health belief among the Native American population is traditional remedies. "The basis of therapy lies in nature, hence the use of herbal remedies" (Spector, 2009). These remedies include herbal treatments, body and spirit purification, healing ceremonies. This cleansing process is done prepare for meditation by stimulating your body and senses.

Sore throats are treated with witch hazel. Elderberry flowers treat diarrhea, and skunk oil is used for ear infections. Lastly, healing ceremonies consisted of instruments like the drums, sounds like rattles and singing. The drumming is vital in assisting the shaman to transition from a state of consciousness that is ordinary to a "shamanistic state of consciousness" (Lyon, 1996). In Indian traditions, community and healing, spiritual belief, or power are considered one instead of being viewed as separate.

The causes of illness is truly an "imbalance" within the mental, physical, spiritual and social interactions. The American Indian and Alaskan Native receive health services via The Indian Health Service (IHS). However, Indians living in urban areas or the eastern portion of the country are not covered by IHS services.

Although IHS denies coverage to many, the system is still facing challenges to meet their sixty-five percentage health need. Lyon, W.S. (1996). Encyclopedia of Native American healing. New York: Norton. Spector, R.E. (2009). Cultural diversity in health and illness (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson.

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