Hazardous Material - Factors Affecting Occupational Health
Handling and storage of flammable and combustible liquids all the time pose threat to occupational safety. Fire and explosion are of particular significance. A large number of hazardous materials have been identified. The workers have to know which hazardous materials they are using and management must all the time put its effort for minimizing the risk to exposure. The use of hazardous materials must be within nationwide surveillance and efforts must be directed for early detection and continuous assessment of the magnitude and extent of occupational illness, disabilities, deaths and exposure to hazardous agents by new and existing data sources from workers, management, physicians and hospitals.
The hazardous materials commonly used comprise compressed gases (acetylene, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrous oxide), flammable and combustible liquids (spray finishing, dip tanks), explosive and blasting agents, storage and handling of liquified petroleum gases, storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia. Asbestos, coal tar pitch volatiles, ether, vinyl chloride, arsenic, cadmium, benzene and cotton dust are also hazardous materials.