Have you participated in a therapeutic group

Problem 1: Have you participated in a therapeutic group? If so, what was this experience like for you? What did it teach you about group process and group dynamics? About leading groups? About being a member? About yourself?

Problem 2: What value do you see in group work for meeting the needs of the various client populations you hope to serve?

Problem 3: What kind of group would you most like to organize? What would be your goals for the group?

Problem 4: What specific actions would you take to start your group? What colleagues or other sources would you consult to get this group started?

Problem 5: How prepared are you to lead or colead a group? What personal qualities do you have that could help or hinder you as a group leader?

Problem 6: What knowledge and skills do you possess that will enhance your ability to lead groups? What do you still need to learn?

Problem 7: What kind of person would you select to colead a group with you? What characteristics would you look for?

Problem 8: What ethical issues might you face in setting up or facilitating a group?

Problem 9: What challenges might you encounter in working with a group composed of culturally diverse members?

Problem 10: In what ways can a group be a place that members could explore issues pertaining to social justice?

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Other Management: Have you participated in a therapeutic group
Reference No:- TGS03368644

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