
Have you looked at the entire strategy the big picture

Final Project


The CEO of your company was recently fired because of financial and legal irregularities that threw the company into a dire situation where its very existence is in jeopardy. At the initial meeting each search committee explores the nature of leadership and reaches consensus on what kind of leader the company needs to survive and reports its findings to the full board.


Utilizing the 10 BEST PRACTICES in NEGOTIATIONS provide an analysis and a strategic solution to negotiate the future of the CEO. Present the negotiating document to the full board of directors utilizing the following practices;

Be Prepared

Diagnose the fundamental structure of the negotiation

Identify and work with BATNA

Be willing to walk away

Master the key paradoxes of negotiation

Remember the Intangibles

Actively manage coalitions- Those against you, for you, and unknown

Savor and protect your reputation

Remember that rationality and fairness are relative

Continue to learn from your experience

Points of Evaluation:

• Effective leadership, rather than being a personal quality that resides in special individuals, is vitally dependent on the context of the organization, its particular needs at a given moment, and whether its leaders have the skills to meet those needs

• Negotiation is a crucially important skill for any leader. How leaders negotiate determines in large measure their ability to achieve organizational objectives.

• Effective organizational leadership requires skill at conducting multilateral negotiations and effective coalition building.


In developing your Negotiation document, try to demonstrate clarity of thinking, understanding, and application of Best Practices in Negotiations, and creative --- but realistic -- use of its tools. Explorations of your options and choices are an important part of demonstration of your mastery of negotiation.

There is seldom only one potential course of action in developing a Negotiation Plan; demonstrate that you have considered options and alternatives at each step in your plan and have chosen the best.

This assignment gives you the opportunity to practice developing an integral use of negotiation strategy for a given problem, solution, mediation, proposal, or business venture to make the course come alive through application of the principles and use of the tools presented. It also helps you develop stronger business-oriented written proposal communication expertise. The development of this negotiation plan is an on-going and integral part of the course.


A good Negotiation involves extensive research and analysis in order to make this a realistic and worthwhile project. Obviously, you cannot simply copy a plan that has already been devised by an organization or by another individual.

Suggested sources to get you started:

Webliography Tab: Useful Internet links

World Wide Web: Research the Internet (Do not use WIKI websites)

Or, use other resources available to you, such as:

Internal, non-proprietary company information

Calls to competitors for product and company information

Surveys of potential customers

Observation of prospective customers or competitors

A literature search at the local library

Your own newspapers or professional journals for articles and advertisements Outline for the paper (suggested page count)

Scope of the Problem: (1 to 1.5 pages)This section is a Summary of the problem presented up for a negotiation. It also serves as the hook for the read who could be the board members who will choose to read or not read the whole Negotiating Plan based upon what they read in this section.

Appears at the beginning of the paper, but is written last

Situation Analysis: (5 to 6 pages)

Best Practices in Negotiations (3 to 4 pages)

Strategy (3 to 4 pages)

Team Hierarchy Structure (3 to 6 pages)

Team Structure

Role Description of Team Members


Goals and Assign Tasks

Solution (Negotiation Proposal)

References (Include with every draft)Paper Format

Paper will be formatted per APA guidelines

All submissions must be double-spaced using Times New Roman 12 point type.

Proper spelling, grammar, clarity of writing and style appropriate for a business proposal are expected and will be graded.

The final Negotiation Plan should be approximately 16-20 pages in length, plus any applicable attachments, title page, table of contents and reference page.

The fully completed plan should include:

Title page (include your name, date, title of your plan, name of the course),

Page header with running head

Table of Contents

Executive Summary and the content outlined above

Use headings and subheadings

Plus any applicable graphics, tables, and graphs.

Research is essential!

In developing your content, try to demonstrate clarity of thinking, understanding and application of basic Marketing Services principles, and creative but realistic use of Marketing Services tools.

Explorations of your options and choices are an important part of demonstration of your mastery of the concepts.

Have you thought through and considered your options, provided details of your plan?

Have you looked at the entire strategy, the big picture while still considering the more operational elements that make for successful implementation?

How well written and persuasive is the plan?

Your Negotiation Plan will be written in the THIRD Person.

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Financial Management: Have you looked at the entire strategy the big picture
Reference No:- TGS02849907

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