This is discussion question for course - Managing Today's Technology Professionals towards MS - ITM
Here is the textbook name:
Glen, P. (2014). The Geek Leader's Handbook: Essential Leadership Insight for People with Technical Backgrounds. Leading Geeks Press. ISBN: 978-0971246829
Chapters 5
Topic: Dealing with a Toxic Team
In good teams, one can observe synergic effects. The team as a whole surmounts problems none of its members could. Sometimes teams are dysfunctional. The team might just be a little slower or a little less rewarding than you would like. In other teams the problems are more severe. People find themselves dreading a job they used to enjoy because their teammates are bickering, or rejecting new ideas, or simply not pulling their weight.
Have you experienced or observed a similar situation?
Briefly describe the situation and the resulting problems. Can you suggest a method for enhancing group viability?