
Have you drawn on a particular theory or theories in your

Your literature review must be based on:

• Credible research sources

• A minimum of one quantitative and one qualitative research study

• One or two seminal or foundational sources

• At least five peer-reviewed journals and two websites

• Current sources from within the past five years (with the exception of the seminal or foundational source mentioned above)

In addition, your literature review must:

• Synthesize the research and provide a summary of how the selected literature helps support the research question.

• Discuss common themes found in the literature related to the topic.

• Compare and contrast the typical research methodologies found in the literature you reviewed-qualitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods.

Submission Details:

• Compile your research question and literature review in an 8-page Microsoft Word document. Include a title page and a reference page and apply APA standards to citation of sources, including use of in-text citations and full references.

Task - Reflecting on making the connections in your own research

When interpreting the findings from your own research, for example in the discussion chapter of your dissertation or thesis, consider how you make connections with the related literature from your field. Have you done any or all of the following?

• 1 Have you referred back to a literature review chapter presented earlier in the dissertation or thesis by, for example:

 a. summarizing the main points from your literature review?

 b. reminding your reader of the content of your literature review with a cross reference (e.g. ‘In Chapter two, there was an overview of local authority policies on recycling')?

• 2 Have you compared your findings with those of similar research projects in your field?

• 3 Have you drawn on a particular theory or theories in your field through which to interpret your findings?

• 4 Have you shown how your findings have shed new light on professional practice or theory in your field?

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Dissertation: Have you drawn on a particular theory or theories in your
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