
Have chicana concerns since the chicano movement changed

It is obvious concerns have changed since the Chicana movement started but the premise of the whole movement seems to remain the same. When the movement initially started, they had absolutely no rights whatsoever. They were not even considered citizens. A Chicana woman's role was to be a domesticated servant and raise the children of the future.

Childbearing, cooking, and cleaning was their everyday task. Along with this, many Chicanas had to deal with abusive fathers or torn families in which siblings or parents passed away early, leaving them as a caretaker at an early age. More recently, the Chicana movement seems to be focused more on an equal opportunity.

They are obviously citizens now and under the guidelines of the law are treated equally but is this true? Not to compare Chicanas to Euro-American women or categorize them in the same way but majority of women are still underpaid compared to men and are given less of an opportunity. Their rates of promotion are a lot lower than men's and through my experiences in young life, I get the notion that many men still think women are inferior.

Society has drastically evolved since the beginning of the movement and women are becoming more educated and stronger willed than ever before. This greater knowledge and high level of independence is steadily increasing their opportunities.

Though I am a male, I felt that I could relate more and felt more focused on Hurtado's definitions of feminism. The outline of the article and the way it was presented was straight to the point and broken down in a more understandable nature. I enjoyed reading what the Chicana women had to say on behalf of them being or exuding qualities of feminism and how they were influenced by their parents, grandparents, or aunts.

Every person's story is different and it was interesting to read how the many different women chose to become feminists. My favorite part of the article is when in it introduced males or fathers as being promoters of Chicana feminism. Specifically the story of Lucinda and how she helped out with the outside chores.

This reminds me of my older sisters and how they would help out with yard work and cutting grass or pruning the bushes. Furthermore, the reading was interesting and more relatable than that of Segura and Pesquera's.

And I need a 250 words post for the questions : Have Chicana concerns since the Chicano Movement changed? Why or why not?

What is unique about the definitions of Chicana feminism articulated by Hurtado's sample that is not captured by Segura and Pesquera's participants?

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History: Have chicana concerns since the chicano movement changed
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