
Has the researcher clearly explained and justified the


The purpose of this assignment is to critique the research methodology of a research thesis or journal article or conference paper in order to develop awareness of best practice research in your discipline. A research thesis can be obtained by perusing the Australasian Digital Thesis Program. Journals articles and conference papers are generally available online through the UC library catalogue. Your supervisors may be able to offer suggestions.


Your critique of the research strategy must answer the following questions. You must

support your answers with evidence from the thesis/article/paper and relevant literature.

Problem: What is the research problem addressed by the paper?

Theories: What theory/theories have been used in the research project?

How have theory/theories been used e.g. theory testing, development?

Methodology: Has the researcher clearly explained and justified the chosen methodology? What research methods has the researcher adopted to conduct the research project?

Do you think that the researcher has developed a rigorous research design? If so, discuss why. If not, discuss why not.

Do you think that the research is relevant to other researchers and/or practitioners e.g. IS/SE professionals? How so?

Contribution: What is the contribution of the study to knowledge (e.g. to theory or practice)?

Quality: Has research quality been discussed? Explain.

Is quality of the study/IT artifact assessed? Explain.

Ethics: Are any ethical issues raised in the research strategy? What are they?

How are they resolved?

Some guidance on academic writing can be obtained from this link:


Submission Instructions:

1. The assignment should be organised using the following guidelines:

• The cover sheet must identify the student (name and number) and assignment.
• The assignment is expected to be written essay style and to have the following components: abstract, introduction, main section, conclusion and reference section.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text, and listed appropriately at the end
• in a reference list in Harvard style.
• The assignment must use 12 point font size minimum and at least single line
• spacing with appropriate section headings.
• The abstract and reference list are not included in the word count.

2. The assignment must be submitted via the Moodle Submission Link

Extensions: Requests for an extension, accompanied by supporting documentation, must be received by the convenor in writing before the due date else penalties apply for late submission without an approved extension.

Penalties: Academic misconduct such as cheating and plagiarism may incur penalties ranging from a reduced result to program exclusion.

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Microeconomics: Has the researcher clearly explained and justified the
Reference No:- TGS01245339

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