Harrisburg furniture company started construction of a

1. Harrisburg Furniture Company started construction of a combination office and warehouse building for its own use at an estimated cost of $5,000,000 on January 1, 2014. Harrisburg expected to complete the building by December 31, 2014. Harrisburg has the following debt obligations outstanding during the construction period.

Construction loan-12% interest, payable semiannually, issued December 31, 2013

Short-term loan-10% interest, payable monthly, and principal payable at maturity on May 30, 2015

Long-term loan-11% interest, payable on January 1 of each year. Principal payable on January 1, 2018

$2,000,000 1,400,000 1,000,000

(a) Assume that Harrisburg completed the office and warehouse building on December 31, 2014, as planned at a total cost of $5,200,000, and the weighted-average amount of accumulated expendi- tures was $3,600,000. Compute the avoidable interest on this project.

(b) Compute the depreciation expense for the year ended December 31, 2015. Harrisburg elected to depreciate the building on a straight-line basis and determined that the asset has a useful life of 30 years and a salvage value of $300,000.

2. Holyfield Corporation wishes to exchange a machine used in its operations. Holyfield has received the following offers from other companies in the industry.

  • 1.Dorsett Company offered to exchange a similar machine plus $23,000. (The exchange has commercial substance for both parties.)
  • 2.Winston Company offered to exchange a similar machine. (The exchange lacks commercial substance for both parties.)
  • 3.Liston Company offered to exchange a similar machine, but wanted $3,000 in addition to Holyfield's machine. (The exchange has commercial substance for both parties.)
  • In addition, Holyfield contacted Greeley Corporation, a dealer in machines. To obtain a new machine, Holyfield must pay $93,000 in addition to trading in its old machine.






Machine cost






Accumulated depreciation






Fair value






  • Instructions
  • For each of the four independent situations, prepare the journal entries to record the exchange on the books of each company.

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Accounting Basics: Harrisburg furniture company started construction of a
Reference No:- TGS01011094

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