Harley Davidson wants to accelerate a project it has underway for a new product in order to beat their competitors to market. They used CPM to develop the project which has the following activities, durations (in weeks), costs (in dollars), and precedence relationships:
Immediate Present Crashed
Activity Predecessors Duration Cost Duration Cost
a -- 3 3300 2 3400
b -- 5 4100 3 4500
c a 4 3700 3 3800
d b 5 5900 4 6000
e c 6 6700 4 6900
f c 4 4100 3 4150
g d,e 6 9100 3 9700
h f,g 5 2700 4 3000
a. How many paths are in the project network and what are their durations? Which path is critical?
b. What are the earliest and latest start and finish times for each activity?
c. What activity should be crashed first in order to accelerate the project?
d. What is the final project duration in weeks assuming it is crashed as far as possible?
e. What is the total cost to crash the project as far as possible?