
hardware difficulty of benz network-benz network

Hardware difficulty of Benz Network:-

Benz network uses smaller switches and it gives excellent connectivity.  To find hardware difficulty of Benz network let us presume that

                                                     N = 2n     =>  n = log2 N

Number of phases in N input Benz network = 2n-1 = 2  log 2  N 

Number of 2Χ2 switches in each phase = N/2.

Overall number of cells in network = (N/2) (2 log2 N-1) = N log2  N- N / 2

Number of switches in different networks for a variety of inputs is given in the following table:

2          4          9          4

8          64        69        80

64        4096    1536    1408

256      65536  12888  7680


Therefore, we can examine from this above table that for higher inputs the Benz Network is the excellent as it has the smallest number of switches.

Shuffle Exchange Network:- These networks are based on the exchange operations and shuffle discussed previous.


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Computer Networking: hardware difficulty of benz network-benz network
Reference No:- TGS0208136

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