
Happen to heart rate and peripheral resistance

1. How is the frequency of action potential traffic in the various neurons of the circuit altered when
someone goes from the lying to the standing position? Name the neuron and tell whether frequency goes up or down.

2. Would it be possible to build a working circuit without the inhibitory interneuron? If so, how would
you do it? If not, why can't you do it?

3.(a) What would you predict would be the effects on heart rate, blood pressure and peripheral resistance of cutting the spinal cord at the cervical level, for example, between C1 and C2?
(b) Or in the lumbar region between L3 and L4?

4. What would be the effect of a sudden blood loss (less than 30% blood volume) on blood pressure? What would happen to heart rate and peripheral resistance? 

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Biology: Happen to heart rate and peripheral resistance
Reference No:- TGS0100248

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