Statistical Genetics: Linkage Disequilibrium Question
1500 people were genotyped at two loci, G and H. Each locus had two alleles (G/g and H/h). The results were (frequency given for each two-locus genotype):
Two-locus genotype Frequency
GGHH 0.1020
GgHH 0.1341
ggHH 0.0441
GGHh 0.1209
GgHh 0.2592
ggHh 0.1182
GGhh 0.0358
Gghh 0.1065
gghh 0.0790
Q: What is the number of observed GH, Gh, gH, and gh haplotypes given that the GgHh genotype class contained 270 haplotypes? What are the haplotype frequencies and the allele freqencies?