
Hank benson is an avid seller of star wars memorabilia at

For this assignment, you'll be given a real-world scenario from which you'll have to prepare a sales contract and a list of questions to ask a client. Again, this is the sort of task you might actually do at a law firm.

Real-World Scenario

Hank Benson is an avid seller of Star Wars memorabilia at Comic Con in California. Specifically, Hank specializes in home-made lightsabers, custom-built Stormtrooper costumes, meticulously crafted models of Empire shuttles, and working Clone Wars droids. He needs a simple sales contract for the goods he sells, although the average cost of his items is about $600.

Hank is concerned about getting sued by serious Star Wars fans and wants to sell all products as they are with no warranties. He has one person, Harrison, working for him at various shows in California. He met Harrison at a Las Vegas show when Harrison bought some items from him and was working as a buyer for a famous collector, who goes by the moniker of O.B. Juan Kanobi.

All of Hank's sales are done on site and he does not ship any items, although a lot of his customers are repeat customers and place orders with him before Comic Con. He only accepts cash or credit card.

Hank has hired your firm to draft a General Contract for Sale of Goods and your supervising attorney wants you to prepare a draft of the contract for her review. She also wants you to make a list of questions for Hank to answer at the next client meeting.

Using the form provided as a guide, prepare the sales contracts. Be sure to use the general contractual agreements and the characteristics of effective legal writing.

You'll also need to write a list of 5 questions to ask Hank. When writing the questions, ask yourself which facts you need to know to adequately prepare the sales contract.


Download the sample General Contract for Sales of Goods.

Using Microsoft Word, prepare a General Contract for Sale of Goods based on the facts of this scenario.

Use the sample sales contract as a guide. Do not just copy the sample sales contract. Use your own words.

Fully complete the sales contract with the proper contractual agreements.

In Microsoft Word, write a list of at least 5 questions for which you'd need the answer to in order to adequately prepare the sales contract.

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Dissertation: Hank benson is an avid seller of star wars memorabilia at
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