
Hamming code for the transmission of six bit information

Q1. A job comprises of 4 tasks, taking 20 ns, 10 ns, 15 ns and 20 ns to execute. Use pipelining and illustrate the speed up and efficiency for 120 jobs.

Q2. Write down the steps for generation of hamming code for the transmission of six bit information.

Q3. Design a sequence detector to detect ‘111’ in the data stream.

Q4. Sketch the flow chart and data flow of multiplication for multiplying (124)10 with (256)10 by using the booth’s algorithm.

Q5. Illustrate the trace of RTL code for BCD shift-add algorithm.

Q6. Microprocessor instruction set comprises the given instructions. Categorize each instruction as data movement, data operation or the program control.

a) XTOY (x = y)     
b) CLRX (x = 0)                                                                                                      
c) JXT (if x = 1, then go to T)                                                                                  
d) XMLY (x = x*y)                                                                                                 

Q7. What do you mean by flag register? How it is employed in controlling the execution flow of program?

Q8. Describe various types of addressing nodes with an illustration. Explain why do we have different types of addressing?

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Computer Engineering: Hamming code for the transmission of six bit information
Reference No:- TGS011852

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