
Halstead analysis on the programming language

Q1. Explain why is highly coupled module hard to unit test?

Q2. Develop a small software tool which will perform a Halstead analysis on the programming language source code of your preference.

Q3. Explain what maintenance is? As well classify the different maintenance activities.

Q4. You have been asked to create a web based order processing system for the computer store:

a) Create an entity relationship diagram which explains data objects, relationships and attributes.
b) Create a context-level model for the system.
c) Create a level-1 DFD for the system.
d) Create a data dictionary for the system.

Q5. Write brief notes on any three of the given:

a) Software reliability and availability
b) Use cases and anchors.
c) Prototyping model and Evolutionary development model.
d) Cohesion and coupling.

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Software Engineering: Halstead analysis on the programming language
Reference No:- TGS010979

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