
Gung ho gift of the goose-cheering others on

Gung Ho Gift of the Goose “Cheering Others On”

1) Do you provide Active Congratulations on a regular basis? How often?

2) How could you improve in this area?

3) Do you provide Passive Congratulations on a regular basis? How often?

4) How could you improve in this area?

5) Do you keep score?

6) What is your scoring system?

“Cheering Others On”

1) Does your Organization provide Active Congratulations on a regular basis? How often?

2) How could you improve in this area?

3) Do your Organization provide Passive Congratulations on a regular basis? How often?

4) How could you improve in this area?

5) Does your Organization keep score?

6) What is your scoring system?

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Other Management: Gung ho gift of the goose-cheering others on
Reference No:- TGS01444503

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