Question 1. What guidelines should you follow when summarizing and paraphrasing?
- Both should be stated in your own words and both require citation. The difference is that summary is shorter in relation to the length of the original source.
- Only paraphrasing requires citation because it is in your own words; summary, on the other hand, is common knowledge and therefore does not require citation.
- Summary and paraphrase are the same thing, and neither one requires citation of the original source.
- Only paraphrasing is permitted in most college writing, and summary should be avoided. Paraphrasing is permitted, and should be cited.
Question 2. If a student recycles an old paper of her own for a new class. She is...
- Within the rules because the paper is her intellectual property.
- Within the rules only if she significantly revises the original before turning it in.
- Within the rules if she incorporates additional sources so that the paper is more up to date.
- Within the rules if she consults the teacher of the new course and receives permission.
Question 3. Which of the following strategies is acceptable at IU?
- Significantly revising a paper you’ve found on the web to make it your own.
- Collaborating with a classmate on a paper by having a friend write part of it.
- Filling in from memory citation information that is pretty accurate.
- All of the above.
- None of the above.
Question 4. Common knowledge is...
- Information that makes a common argument.
- Factual information that is reasonable and clear.
- Factual information that is readily found in a number of sources.
- Information that is posted on the world wide web.
Question 5. When quoting a passage in your source that is a quotation from someone else, you...
- Must look up the original quotation and cite that source.
- Can attribute the quotation to the second author and not worry about the original.
- Should never use a quotation within a quotation in research papers.
- Must cite it in such a way that your reader knows this is a quote within a quote.