
Gssc 1083 - do you think this item has a negative or

You are required to choose 2 items and discuss, in as much detail as possible, how these 2 items are examples of globalization.

In the first chapter of your textbook, Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, Manfred Steger discusses how the World Cup is globally connected by talking about the 4 dimensions of globalization. You are required to do the same for two of the items below.


Choose two items, one from each group for your assignment.




Group 1

Clothing (t-­-shirt, shoes, hats, etc.) - Choose 1 brand or type of clothing

Food (banana, coffee, coke, chocolate, wine, pizza) Choose 1 food/beverage item

An electronic device (cell phone, TV, laptop, etc.) - Choose 1 type of electronic device


Bottled water

Weapons (bombs, missiles) - Choose 1 type of weapon



A sports team (Toronto FC, Maple Leafs, etc.) - Choose 1 sports team

An airline company (Air Canada, West Jet, China Air, etc.) - Choose 1 airline company

Automobiles - Choose 1 auto company





Group 2

A movie/TV show (Harry Potter, Blade Runner, American Idol,

Deadpool, etc.) - Choose 1 TV show/movie


A musical artist/group

(Celine Dion, Selina Gomez, etc.) - Choose 1 artist/group

Holiday/Special Day (Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas) - Choose 1 holiday


Tropical resorts

A charitable organization (UNICEF, world vision, save the children, Watercan, etc.) - Choose 1 organization



College education


Music concerts


Airbnb. Lyft or Uber

Toys (Barbie, Lego, etc.) - Choose 1 type of toy

For example, you can choose coffee (group 1) and college education (group 2) for your assignment. Be as specific as possible. For example, if you choose ‘an airline company', focus on a specific airline like Air Transat.

You will write about both items (questions on next page).

If you do not like the items above, choose your own but get approval from your instructor.


Write about these two items by answering the following questions about each item:

1. How does this item illustrate the concept of globalization? Consider the four dimensions of globalization: political, economic, ecological and cultural. You do not have to discuss all 4 dimensions, but the item you choose may likely have connections to all 4 areas.

2. Do you think this item has a negative or positive impact? Consider impacts on citizens, workers, consumers, countries, and/or businesses. It is possible to have items that have both positive and negative impacts.

You may answer questions 1 and 2 together or separately. Write between 400 and 450 words for each item you have chosen.

You are required to have four references minimum for this paper. Use a recognized citation style to cite your sources (APA, MLA, etc.).

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