
Gsp5003 - appreciate the interrelationship between

Instructions to the Student:

- Keep a close liaison with your course instructor during the whole process. Showing them your scrapbook and assignment and taking feedback from them will help you to improve your work.

- Try to finish the scrapbook early so that you have enough time to write the assignment.

- Avoid any use of unfair means.

Assessment of Scrapbook

A scrapbook is a type of journal, within which you collect "scraps" of information and from these scraps you tell a story, in effect create a type of book hence its name "scrapbook". In bygone days, before computers and on-line means of storing data (the dark ages!) you would use a scrapbook to collect newspaper clips, pictures and other forms of media. These scrapbooks could be issue based, or more often than not, people kept scrapbooks to commemorate events, or keep memorabilia of pop stars that they followed or football teams they supported. With on-line resources and the nature of data storage today, the scrapbook is rapidly being consigned to history and the nostalgia for a past generation (like me)) There is however something in the scrapbook, the way it is presented and the way it can be used that electronic media will never be able to capture, it will mimic I am sure, but the tangible nature of the paper and the content within is more real and alive.

If want you to create a scrapbook for this module which will focus on a specific issue within the realm of what we would call International Political Economy (IPE). You are to collect information from a wide variety of sources, and in a wide variety of formats. A list of potential sources and formats are given below.

You are, within your scrapbook, to present commentaries or progress reports on your work on a regular basis. A commentary or progress report is a review of, or evaluation concerning your scraps and what they are telling you about your topic. Such progress reports are to be completed on a regular basis.

Learning Outcomes for the Scrapbook

By the end of this assessment we expect you to:

Have produced a focused scrapbook drawing on a wide variety of information sources and formats.
- Whenever you make a contribution to the scrapbook, write your name, student ID and the date.
- Present the information in a creative way, such that the information can be navigated and mapped effectively. It must include a content sheet and separate list of sources. Draw on theory or theories to explain the scrapbook-issue, drawn from the module.
- Evaluate the relevance of such theory to the issue, and how the issue informs the theoretical discussion and debate.

This assessment covers the learning outcomes mentioned below.

1. Appreciate the interrelationship between economics and politics, and the global nature of this relationship

2. Compare and contrast alternative perspective on international political economy

3. Evaluate the importance of history and historical events in shaping the global economy

4. Assess the role and purpose of the institutional framework set up to manage global affairs

5. Evaluate the impact of the global environment on business decision making and practice


- Relevance of content to stated issue
- Focus and structure in the use of material
- Appropriateness of progress reports
- Language and conventions
- Proper citations

- Variety and Diversity
- Reliability

- Visual presentation of material (creativity)
- Visual presentation of material (quality)
- Use of and effectiveness of content mapping

Overall Effectiveness
- Interesting
- Creative
- Insightful
- Original
- Exceeds expectations
- Wow effect


- Importance of the subject
- Some basic details
- Organisation of thoughts
- Insight
- Originality
- Coverage of important events/ideas

- The main ideas
- Future trends and directions based on the discussion

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International Economics: Gsp5003 - appreciate the interrelationship between
Reference No:- TGS02570255

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