Growth related to health, safety, and nutrition

Assignment Part 1: Reflection

For this assignment, you will create a final reflection piece in a format of your choice.  The reflection piece can be casual and conversational, as if you were writing or recording your thoughts in a diary, journal, or vlog.  You are welcome to be as creative as you want; however, keeping things simple but reflective can still meet the criteria for full points.


Your own learning and growth related to health, safety, and nutrition in early childhood care and education.


Pick ONE:      

1. PAPER: 2-3-page journal-style reflection paper, OR

2. VIDEO: 5-7-minute vlog-style or interview-style video, OR

3. SLIDES: 8-10 PowerPoint slides/slide deck

4. OTHER: Have another idea?  Send Kelly a proposal!


1. Overall self-reflection: Demonstrate evidence of engaging in thoughtful self-reflection on your own learning, thinking, and practices.

2. Connect to course content: Refer to at least 1 specific course reading, resource, or other content from the course.  (No citation required unless directly quoting.)

3. Connect to your peers: Describe how interacting with your classmates in the Discussion boards impacted your learning process.

4. Connect to your learning: Share at least 1 thing you learned and/or reviewed during the course.

5. Connect to your thinking: Share at least 1 thing you changed your mind about and/or refined your thinking about during the course.

6. Connect to your practices: Share at least 1 way that your practices as an early educator will be impacted by your learning in this course.

7. Connect to your future growth: Share at least 1 way that you hope to continue learning and/or improving your practices.

8. Connect to your priorities: Close with at least 1 major "takeaway" idea or key quote that you want to remember.

Assignment Part 2: Toolkit items

For this assignment, you will collect items for your educator's toolkit.  All of the content for this assignment can be pulled from your Module activities and Discussion board posts.

Required items

  • ITEM 1 = Toolkit contents list (with name + brief description of each item)
  • ITEM 2 = List of collected online resources (with name + link + brief description of each)
  • ITEM 3 = Mini-project #1
  • ITEM 4 = Mini-project #2
  • ITEM 5 = Mini-project #3

Optional items (for extra credit)

  • Mini project #4
  • List of key strategies collected from course content (with strategy + source)
  • List of key quotes or excerpts collected from course content
  • Useful documents collected from course content

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Other Subject: Growth related to health, safety, and nutrition
Reference No:- TGS03439430

Expected delivery within 24 Hours