
Growth in terms of bacterial numbers in batch culture

Question 1:

Give a description of the term waste management.

Question 2:

You are requested to come up with a proposal for management of solid wastes arising from a community living in an island. Given that land availability is scarce on the island, describe the different steps you would take to come up with the management plan for solid wastes

Question 3:

List all seven components of solid wastes which can be recycled and explain the uses of the recycled materials.

Question 4:

Illustrate the terms:

(a) BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand.

(b) Facultative processes

(c) Carbonaceous BOD removal

(d) Bulking

Question 5:

Give four reasons why the BOD test is employed.

Question 6:

Provide two reasons why wastewater characterisations are undertaken.

Question 7:

Illustrate the four phases of growth in terms of bacterial numbers in batch culture.

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Other Subject: Growth in terms of bacterial numbers in batch culture
Reference No:- TGS07427

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