
Group work can be rewarding but requires considerable

Equity of contribution

  • Group work can be rewarding but requires considerable cooperation and coordination between group members. The group project should represent an equal contribution by all group members, although the allocation of tasks involved is the prerogative of individual groups. The purpose of 'Equity of Contribution' is to mitigate against "freeloading" or "social loafing".
  • It is important to clarify your roles early in the project, make regular meeting dates, and establish time lines for finishing work. It is also essential that you maintain a "group diary"- a record of group discussions, email exchanges and record of meeting attendance etc.
  • If a group has a complaint against one or more group members, the group should approach the member(s) and try to resolve the matter. If necessary, your group may conduct equity of contribution review to evaluate the contribution of each group member (including yourself) to the group project assessment.
  • If there is substantial evidence that there is disparity in the extent of contribution among group members in preparation and/or delivery of presentation, your tutor may adjust the marks of individual group members.
  • Please refer to the Equity of Contribution policy document.

Equity of contribution policy and individual contribution evaluation

Equity of contribution policy and individual contribution evaluation-1.pdf (only to be used when there is a disputebetween group members about the equity of contribution)

Submission of written assignment

The group report must be submitted electronically via the Turnitin Submission Inboxin the Assessment 2 Folder in Canvas. Any late assignment, unless granted an extension by the course coordinator, will be penalised at 10% of the total assessment weighting (40 marks x 10% = 4 marks) for each day after the group's presentation day. No assignment will be accepted more than seven calendar days late without Special Consideration (see Extension of time for assignment submissionbelow).

Important Information about electronic submission 

1) Your work submitted to the Canvas will be checked by Turnitin.

2) The Turnitin system might not be able to process your submission in the case of large volume of submissions at the same time (for example: when a large number of students submit their assignments just right before the due time). Therefore, you need to allow yourself sufficient time to submit your work.

About Turnitin 

Turnitin will check your assignment for originality and will generate a report indicating areas in which the content overlaps with other resources.Therefore you need to make sure that your write-up is your own workand never do 'copy and paste'. When you use others' idea in your essay, you should try to paraphrase it thoroughly and acknowledge the sources by proper citation(in-text) and in the reference list (end-of-text).

Extension of time for assignment submission

Extension of time up to seven calendar days may be approved by the Course Coordinator in certain circumstances. To apply for an extension of time you must complete the Application for Extension of Time form together with supporting documents.

Special Consideration

Extension of time beyond seven calendar days after the original submission due date is available only by prior approval from the Special Consideration Unit. Further details about special consideration can be found at: https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/specialconsideration/online

Academic integrity

The penalties for cheating in assessment are severe, whether the cheating involves plagiarism, fabrication, falsification of data, copyright infringement or some other method. Penalties can include charges of academic misconduct, cancellation of results and exclusion from your course. It is also a disciplinary offence for you to allow your work to be plagiarised by another student. You are responsible for keeping your work in a secure place. RMIT has a policy on plagiarism available at https://www.rmit.edu.au/browse;ID=sg4yfqzod48g1.

You are reminded that the Turnitin program is used in this course to check the submitted assessment for originality. To avoid plagiarism, you must acknowledge the sources of other's ideas by appropriate citation and referencing. More information about referencing can be found in the Learning Lab: https://www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/lsu/Links to an external site.

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Business Management: Group work can be rewarding but requires considerable
Reference No:- TGS02910821

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