
Group of aged care workers are planning a social night out

Problem: A group of aged care workers are planning a social night out . Their manager is organising dinner at a local pub , and advises staff they are welcome to bring a friend or partner and to respond via email of their acceptance and if they will bring someone . A new employee , Tom, is keen to attend - it 's a great opportunity to social and get to know his new colleagues in a more relaxed environment . He decides he will bring his partner of 5 years , Dave . Tom responds to the email invite his manager has sent out, saying in the body of the email that Dave will attend too. The next day, the date of the dinner changes due to ' a number of staff being unable to attend '. Tom accepts the new date. Two days later it changes again. He is unable to attend this time, Dave has his own work function and Tom always attends them. A couple of days later, Tom is in the lunch room telling a colleague about Dave 's work function and how much of a good time they had . Two staff get up and leave the kitchen during this chat. The colleague tells Tom it's fantastic that Dave 's Work is so accepting , and rolls their eyes in the direction of those who departed the room . Tom discovers that some people in the department were uncomfortable with the idea of Dave going to the dinner, and that the manager kept changing the dates with the hope that Tom would be busy , and that the rest of the staff could still come . b explain how this situation can impact the cultural safety of the workplace

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Other Management: Group of aged care workers are planning a social night out
Reference No:- TGS03427060

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