Forum #2 Ground handling (Due 12/20/2015) Morris
Ground handling activities are carried out by a combination of airport authorities, airlines themselves, and sometimes special handling agencies. If an aircraft is delayed the financial effects almost entirely fall on the airline. Think about the following: At what point should cargo be checked? Should every piece be checked? What about all the employees? Freight carriers? Baggage handlers? Airport employees? Even food service employees and fuelers come in contact with the aircraft. At what point should cargo be checked and what percentage before it becomes too costly and to time consuming?
Karp, A. (2009). Cargo screening's: 'SERIOUS CHALLENGES'. Air Transport World, 46(6), 45-46,48.?
Abeyratne, R. (2008). Ground handling services at airports as a trade barrier. Journal of World Trade, 42(2), 261-277.?
Laura, A. M., Adrian, J. L., & Sheldon, H. J. (2010). Risk-based policies for airport security checkpoint screening. Transportation Science, 44(3), 333-349.?
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