
Grm5032 - work experience with personal development

Work experience with personal development planning

Please note that WRIT 1 has two elements. Part one is the 2500-word Work Placement Project Report itself and part two is the Reflective Log.

In your report, you are required to reflect on your placement experiences and the outcomes of your project or work experience. You are asked to evaluate your personal and professional development then to include reflection on the impact the work placement experience may have on your career plans. In addition you will analyse the functional areas of the organisation you have been working with, managerial activities and the details of any individual projects you have been set and how these have been achieved.

This report will assess the achievement of the learning outcomes detailed in the Module Descriptor. Throughout your placement you should also maintain a Reflective Log. You will find it useful to look back over your total experience recorded through your logs when writing your report, the suggested format and Marking Criteria for which is shown on the next page. The content of the report will be partly dependent upon the type of work placement undertaken but you should carefully follow the required report format and pay attention to the marking guidance for each section of the report. Failure to comply could lose you valuable marks.

This topic speaks about the work in which You work in the Ministry of Defense Engineering Services Unit in the Sultanate of Oman.

Reflective Report Structure

1. Company Background - (375 words) This should include the following:

a. Brief description of the company: Name of Company, Mission, Vision and Core values, Nature of Company, Location, organizational chart (if applicable), discussion of the products and services, other details that are important

2. Work Experience - (500 words)
This should include the following:
a. The section/department/Centre the student was assigned
b. The nature of job and/or role assigned to you (the student)
c. The day to day activities assigned to you (the student) (Note: student can write here the diary/reflection log of the activities assigned)

3. Reflection on Work Experience - (1,000 words)
This should include the following tasks:
a. Prepare a SWOT analysis of the department where you (the student) is assigned
b. Reflect on the nature of job assigned
c. Reflect on the new skills acquired from the job
d. Reflect on the skills, knowledge learned from the class that are useful during the work
e. Reflect on the skills and knowledge that should be enhanced further
f. Discuss on the other things that you (the student) learned from the work experience Conclusion and Recommendation- (500 words)

This should include the following tasks:
a. Give a good conclusion about your work experience
b. Make some recommendations for the following: Your instructor/lecturer, the company providing the placement, the college and to other students.

References - Using Harvard system

References - it is important that throughout the report the academic resources that support any arguments or discussions regarding the process of work experience outcome are acknowledged. If a report does not contain any referenced material, then it is not commendable.

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Business Management: Grm5032 - work experience with personal development
Reference No:- TGS02799727

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