
Grm4007 - personal development planning - gulf college -

Personal Development Planning

The Task:

You must write a reflection of your personal development plan upon learning PDP module, the skills you developed or will further develop and the impact of these on your future and career goals.

You must read these instructions carefully before attempting this assignment. All of the instructions below are reflected in the marking criteria.

1. Your assignment should contain SIX sections:

a. Introduction (280-300 Words)
Say something about yourself, perhaps with photos, words and pictures, as you r wish. This is a brief introduction to who you are. You might mention, for example, where you are from, where you have lived (where is your home?) and travelled, -1 and what you are studying. It should be no more than one page.

b. Statement of Purpose of Personal Goals (880-900 Words)
Include both short-term goals (what you want to achieve this semester), and some longer term goals about your time in Oman and perhaps beyond. This should ideally include a wide range of areas including academic, social and career areas.

This should be about a page, depending on you use lists or a more conversational style. On this page, you might include goals such as:
- gain a deeper understanding of your specialist subject or major
- stretch yourself intellectually
- gain self-confidence and the ability to speak in groups
- join in student clubs and societies
- work with a wide range of people
- gain volunteer experience.
- extend your networking and make useful contacts
- develop your emotional intelligence
- take positions of responsibility
List clubs and societies you have joined that help toward these goals. Think about the changes you have made so far and the changes you want to make. Where have you travelled to and where do you want to go?

c. Personal/Interpersonal Skills (880-900 Words)
Acquiring transferable skills is an important part of life at College - and beyond!
- aspects of your development such as flexibility,
- self-confidence and self-discipline;
- assertiveness is also important and is related to the ability to take appropriate risks, be polite and stand up for yourself.
- other personal skills include how to balance life/ work/ study and the social demands on your time - together with looking after your physical health.
INTERPERSONAL SKILLS include your relationships with others, working as a team member, managing yourself in a group and leading others.

d. Academic Skills in Higher Education (580-600 Words)
CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS are essential for your academic life and future career.
- your ability to use a variety of written,
- visual, aural and verbal means in which you communicate with others.
- technical skills such as numerical ability are important for many kinds of academic and career pathways.
CREATIVE SKILLS are equally as important in all walks of life. These all include:
- problem-solving research, critical thinking and research skills - all vital components of the academic skill-set needed at university
some questions to ask yourself: What are your study habits? (Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses). What are your critical thinking skills? Reflect on feedback from professors, particularly with regard to analytic versus merely descriptive writing. How are your essay writing, oral presentation and exam skills?

e. Conclusion (280-300 Words)
-Directed, clear and summarised ideas of your personal development planning which you have identified after learning this module.

f. References

You must use at least eight latest academic sources. Include proper in-text citation and a reference list at the end of your assignment. You have to follow the Harvard Referencing style.

Always incorporate the theory of reflective practice in doing your work. As much as possible you need to include examples of theory and relate this to your experiences in PDP.

Use proper report style format, with headings and sub-headings. The font type must be either Arial or Times New Roman with a font size 12 and with 1.5 line spacing. It should be a Microsoft Word Document based on required format.

Before the final submission of the reflective writing, it has to be subjected to Turnitin checks for a similarity index not higher than 10%.

This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes:

1. Identify their own learning style and preferences and apply self-management and independent learning strategies to support their study at HE level 4; they must also take ownership of their work through responsible maintenance of individual e-portfolios of uploaded work, reflective logs and employability logs.

2. Devise and monitor an action plan for their personal development based on their awareness of the key aspects of employability, also developing appropriate and accurate evidence to support their progress.

3. Undertake appropriate research tasks and develop an appropriate academic writing style.

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