
Greenwood company upper management recognize the importance

Write a response to the following email that you have received:

To: You, Greenwood Company Digital Forensics Examiner

From: H. Jenkins, HR Management

This case has made Greenwood Company upper management recognize the importance of forensic readiness. They have asked you to nominate three (3) forensic examination/analysis (software) tools for them to keep in their budget for the following year. They also state that they want to make sure that the tools nominated are ones that would meet criminal justice-level standards and evidentiary requirements under the Daubert Standard. In your response, please list the tool name, manufacturer, the capabilities of the tool, and how the three tools meet the standards of Daubert. Management specifically wants tools that can examine/analyze the digital data inside the devices and is not interested in your input on additional tools that write protect or image devices at this time.

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Dissertation: Greenwood company upper management recognize the importance
Reference No:- TGS02404383

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