
Greek mythology film essay

Greek Mythology Film Essay:

Objective: Greek mythology helps us to understand not only the Greek culture, but also ourselves. The purpose of this essay is to discover the common archetypes found in Greek myths which are still important in helping to understand ourselves, our world, and our relation to the divine.

Prompt: After studying, reading, discussing, viewingand writing about Greek myths this semester, we have discussed many common themes which tie the stories together. Choose one theme and two myths from our textbook which discuss your chosen theme. After relating the myths to the common theme, find a connection to a film or t.v. show which reflects the influence of Greek mythology and the themes embedded in their myths. Make sure that you clearly define the relation of the myths and their common theme to your example. (You may find it helpful to consult the chapter at the end of the our textbook which gives additional film ideas associated with the myths)

Here are some examples of common themes (archetypes)to help guide you:vengeance, honor, glory, the journey, heroism, law, justice, injustice, the role of the divine in human affairs, fate, free-will, fathers and sons, suffering, the role of women, mothers and children, nature, pride, punishment, sacrifice, passion, lust, love, violence, war, rape, holy marriage, transgression, the underworld journey, the soul, prophecy, power, the sea, worship of the gods, offending the gods, wisdom, knowledge, jealousy, beauty, death and rebirth, reason/intelligence/wit, music/poetry, plagues, balance, trickster figures, strange births, self-control, blindness/sight, monsters, tyrants, kings, rulers, families, fear, burial of the dead, rituals, tradition, the city: Athens, Thebes, Mycenae, Crete, the law of hospitality, mentors, transformation, curses.
Feel free to use another theme not listed.


• Original title

• Original thesis statement, strong, exciting introductory paragraph

• Topic sentences which reflect your thesis statement, quotations, and strong insightful commentary including many specific details from the myths

• Concluding paragraph that ties your essay together in a nice, neat package

• Typed, double-spaced (NO EXCEPTIONS!)

• 1-2pages

• 12 point font, times new roman, 1” margins

• Proper MLA heading in top left hand corner with name, date, class, professor

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Reference No:- TGS01427720

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