The format is up to you but make it readable please. Font size must be 11 or 12 point single space for the text. 3 to 5 pages
Possible topics areas:
1) Gravitational wave detection and future capabilities - LIGO-LISA-BBO
2) The X Ray universe - what do we learn
3) Future ground and space based telescopes - science enabled and technology required
4) The direct imaging of blackholes via their "event horizon" - such as the EHT - Event Horizon Telescope
5) Adaptive Optics (AO) for optical and IR telescopes - how does it work and how well does it perform
6) Using the Moon as an astronomical observatory - opportunities and challenges
7) Multiple universe theories - can we detect parallel and past universes?
8) The fate of our universe
9) Current "tension" in cosmological data and theories - opportunities for new discoveries
10) The matter-antimatter asymmetry problem in our universe
11) Ideas of unifying gravity and quantum mechanics - "The Theory of Everything"
12) Is time travel possible within the current known theories of Physics - Wormholes
13) Is faster than light travel possible and what are the implications?
14) The radio universe - how does it complement optical surveys
15) The infrared universe - how does it complement optical surveys
16) Upcoming large scale sky surveys such as the LSST program - what can we learn