Question 1: A spy satellite has an orbital radius of 2 earth radii. Find out its period of revolution?
Question 2: Mars (m = 6.37 x 1023 kg) have two moons, Phobos and Deimos (Fear and Panic the companions of Mars the god of war).
a) Deimos consists of an orbital radius of 2.3 x 104 km, Compute its orbital speed.
b) If the orbital radius of Phobos is 9.2 x 106 m, determine its speed?
Question 3: Four masses are arranged in the manner describe in the diagram at right. What is the magnitude of the total gravitational force on mass 1 due to the other three masses?

Question 4: An asteroid consists of an orbital radius of 4.8 x 1011 m and a mass of 1.4 x 1018 kg. Find out its period of rotation around the sun?
Question 5: Saturn has an equatorial radius of 6.00 x 107 m and a mass of 5.67 x 1026 kg.
a) Calculate the acceleration due to gravity at the equator of Saturn.
b) How many times greater is a person’s weight on Saturn as compared to the earth?
Question 6: The mass of one small ball is 0.00150 kg and the mass of the other is 0.870 kg. If the center to center distance between the two bodies is 0.100 m, determine the magnitude of the gravitational force between them.