
graphics exchange specificationafterwards an open

Graphics Exchange Specification:

Afterwards, an open meeting was held at the National Academy of Sciences on October 10, 1979. About 200 people attended to herald the birth of IGES. There was atmosphere of extraordinary excitement, though not everyone was supportive. Additionally, although it was hotly debated, the name of this project was accepted eventually with the minor change from "Interim" Graphics Exchange Specification to "Initial" Graphics Exchange Specification.

After two critical reviews, the IGES team released its first draft in January 1980, having geometry, graphical data, and annotations. IGES was submitted to the ANSI Y14.263 committee for standardization that forced the committee to try to reconcile the very different views embodied by the IGES work and the work funded by CAM-I on boundary representation description. Whereas version one of IGES was standardized (Y14.26M-19814), the work funded by CAM-I was associated but uninterested with the remainder of the standard.

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Mechanical Engineering: graphics exchange specificationafterwards an open
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