A. Select a topic of interest - preferably College related such the height of students or the number of hours they take to prepare for classes.
B. Choose 2 variables to observe: 1) Female and 2) Male
C. Collect 20 data points on each variable
1. Perhaps, you may design a questionnaire to collect you data
2. The design of your questionnaire
In providing answers to the followings, you must use the DCOVA framework.
For example, you must begin by defining your research problem, follow by data collection, organization, visualization, and then the analysis of the data.
1. Construct a frequency distribution or histogram for each of your variable
2. Graphically depict your data using two other methods studied
3. Calculate the mean, median, and mode of each distribution
4. Calculate the standard deviation and one other measure of dispersion for each distribution
5. Comment on your results - on each distribution and compare the two distributions -this is important so think carefully and write.
6. Calculate a 95 percent confidence interval for the mean of each distribution
7. Test if each mean is significantly different from zero
a) Double lines
b) APA style
c) Times Numeral Font
d) Errors free
Proposed Outline
I. Introduction
a) Define your research problem
b) State the purpose or the hypothesis (claim) that you wish to prove or dispute
c) Research deign: How you plan to collect the data ( survey-questionnaire). You need to prepare a questionnaire and attached as an appendix to your project.
d) Use of Excel to input the data
e) How the rest of the paper is organized in to different sections .
II. Body
This section will provide answers to items 1 through 7 above( required).
III. Conclusion
IV. References