
Gradient and steepest descent methods - quadratic problem

Gradient and steepest descent methods

1. Quadratic problem in R2. Verify the expressions for the iterates x(k).

2. Let Δxsd and Δxsd be the normalized and unnormalized steepest descent directions at x, for the norm ||.||. Prove the following identities.

(a) ∇ f(x)TΔxnsd = -||∇f(x)||*.

(b) ∇ f(x)TΔxsd = -||∇f(x)||2*.

(c) Δxsd = argmint,(∇f (x)Tv + (1/2)||v||2).

3. Steepest descent method in l-norm. Explain how to find a steepest descent direction in the l-norm, and give a simple interpretation.

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Mathematics: Gradient and steepest descent methods - quadratic problem
Reference No:- TGS01230712

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