
Governments seek to protect and promote the public good and

Government Policy Discussion- E-cigarettes Discussion

Governments seek to protect and promote the public good and in these roles establish rules under which business operates in society. Therefore, a government's influence on business through public policy and regulation is a vital concern for managers. Government's relationship with business can be either cooperative or adversarial. Various economic or social assistance policies significantly affect society, in which businesses must operate. Many government regulations also impact business directly. Managers must understand the objectives and effects of government policy and regulation, both at home and abroad, in order to conduct business in an ethical and legal manner.

  1.  Should the U.S. government ban or more severely regulate the manufacture, sale and use of e-cigarettes? Why or why not? Explain the pros and cons.
  2. Research and identify another public policy issue occurring locally, nationally or internationally:
    (a) briefly describe the issue/policy and identify the key stakeholders involved
    (b) explain how each stakeholder is/will be impacted by the policy
    (c) using the Elements of Public Policy discussed in the chapter, identify the inputs, goals, tools, and effects of the government's effort to regulate or address/implement the public policy/issue

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Business Management: Governments seek to protect and promote the public good and
Reference No:- TGS02214210

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