
Governments in canada-supervised drug injection sites

Research Assignment:

Write a research paper about 2000 words long, relying mainly on five or six peer-reviewed articles in journals. Occasional magazine articles may be useful to assess public attitudes or concerns, and government and/or legal documents (court rulings, for example) may be helpful as sources to build an argument for a position that you support. As writers and researchers, you will need to represent different points of view accurately and fairly, using paraphrase and summary as required, as well as skills
selecting and integrating relevant quotation.

All sources must be accurately documented using the MLA (Modern Language Association) style, and these sources must be listed alphabetically on a separate sheet identified as Works Cited. All citations must be accurate, whether the material is available in print in the library, obtainable from a website, or accessible online through TRU databases. If any source is cited inaccurately or if a source is not provided for information that is clearly not general knowledge, a paper will be deemed late for every day its author takes to provide the necessary information.

The research paper, double-space and printed in 12-point type.

The paper should address the following research question: Governments in Canada should, or should not, continue to fund and support supervised drug-injection sites, such as Insite in Vancouver.

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Humanities: Governments in canada-supervised drug injection sites
Reference No:- TGS0676087

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