You must write an essay of 500 words on the following topic:
"Between 2009 and 2014, British unemployed has been reduced because of the government's austerity measures" discuss this statement.
Essay Plan: It is vital for a critical thinker to be able to examine more than one point of view, and to assess the merits and disadvantages of both sides of an argument. You must address the topic given above by describing and analysing two different points of view that could be taken when discussing the subject.
Introduce the topic with a snake amount of general background information. Describe arguments that have been put forward by the government for austerity. Analyse the pros and cons of the arguments - do they hold true? Are they logical? Are they based on facts or emotions?.Describe arguments that have been put forward by the opponent of austerity. Analyse the pros and cons of the second sets of arguments - do they hold true? Are they logical? Are they based on facts or emotions?
Compare and contrast the two sets of arguments. Does one set of arguments disprove the other? Is it possible to agree in part with both sides of the argument? Reach a conclusion: explain which side of the argument is more logically convincing.
Sources: You must conduct research on your subject. Use between 6 and 10 sources of information so that you can present a balanced view of both sides of the argument. You Must use the Harvard Referencing system to credit any sources that you use.